Are you a shadow?
Creeping behind my back
Are you the wisp of the wind?
Trying to sneak past my breath
Are you a sense of foreboding?
Trickling down my spine
Are you my nemesis?
Questioning my very existence
Are you my reckoning?
In this moment of truth
Are you the face of death?
An eventuality and a finality
Too small to behold; Too vast to understand
The drums are rolling,
The sky is lit in crimson
The lines have been drawn
In the battle of our generation
Fight I will, with all my strength
With my restraint and resilience
I do not see what lies ahead
In this clash for survival
But I do see what I am fighting
The darkness of my doubt and fear
I gather all my resolve
And look at the face
Of my mortal enemy
And vow not to give in
My body may be broken
But my spirit will not.
This contribution is photographed by Pankaj Tottada.
This poem is also available in paperback & ebook.
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