“Aaah! Doctor, it is paining like hell,”
The lady on the bed started to yell.
The probability of her survival was a dearth,
Still, she risked bringing life to Earth.
Although not from the time of zygote formation,
But she has felt the baby within during gestation.
The sex of the baby didn’t matter to her,
But a son was expected of her.
“Congratulations!” said the doctor, “Lakshmi has come to your house,”
Little did he know that she would be considered louse.
Instead of being happy it was dowry that worried her father,
He wanted to kill her and wait for another baby rather.
This disgusting thought has made the society to pollute,
Mumma was dependent on him and so was mute.
Had it been Y chromosome instead of X all would have rejoiced,
Had the dowry system terminated, the baby wouldn’t have been crucified.
If you blame the father, he will blame the system,
If you blame the system, it will find someone else to blame,
An innocent life comes to an end in this blame game.
When will they realize that it was a female that gave birth to them?
When will they realize that without her they would be pointless?
All these realizations consume time
Till then save the girl child Holy Divine!
This contribution is photographed by Pankaj Tottada.
This poem is available in paperback & ebook.
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